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Top 10 Space Science Stories From 2014 | IFLScience !LINK!

In an environment threatened by less funding, academic medical centers across the nation risk having to shift their research missions from "advancing science" to "preserving science." Speakers from 5 university...

Top 10 Space Science Stories From 2014 | IFLScience

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International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education invites submissions for aspecial issue on campus sustainability and social sciences. This special issue aims to present contemporary, state-of-the-art applications of how social science theories, models, and findings can help overcome campus sustainability challenges, and to illustrate the diversity of social science campus sustainability research conducted across the world. Deadline: November 15, 2014. Contact: [email protected]. For more information, visit

Association of American Geographers (AAG) 2015 Annual Meeting, April 21-25, 2015, Chicago, IL. The AAG Annual Meeting is an interdisciplinary forum where thought leaders and professionals from the social sciences, physical sciences, and humanities cross paths to build new partnerships or collaborations. The conference is open to anyone with an interest in geography and allied disciplines. All scholars, researchers, and students are welcome to share their papers and presentations. For more information, visit

The American Academy in Berlin is now accepting applications for its 2015-16 residential fellowship. The Academy welcomes applications from emerging and established scholars and from writers and professionals who wish to engage in independent study in Berlin. Approximately 25 Berlin Prizes are conferred annually. Fellowships are restricted to individuals based permanently in the United States. Deadline: September 29, 2014. Contact: [email protected]. For more information, visit

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) announces it 2015-16 fellowships for science and technology. The fellowships provide opportunities for scientists and engineers to learn first-hand about policymaking and implementation while contributing their knowledge and analytical skills to policymakers. Deadline: November 1, 2014. Contact: [email protected] or (202) 326-6700. For more information, visit

American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) is pleased to announce that the 2014-15 ACLS fellowship competitions are now open. ACLS offers a variety of fellowship programs that promote the full spectrum of humanities and humanistic social science research and support scholars at the advanced graduate-student level through all stages of the academic career. Deadline vary. For more information, visit

Fung Global Fellows Program at the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS) is pleased to announce the call for applications. Each year the program selects six scholars from around the world to be in residence at Princeton for an academic year and to engage in research and discussion around a common theme. Fellowships are awarded to scholars employed outside the United States who are expected to return to their positions, and who have demonstrated outstanding scholarly achievement and exhibit unusual intellectual promise but who are still early in their careers. Deadline: November 1, 2014. For more information, visit

Robert D. Woodberry, National University of Singapore, won the 2014 Best Article Award from the ASA Global and Transnational Sociology Section and the 2014 Distinguished Article Award from the Association for the Sociology of Religion.

Content-Based. This method uses the user's reading history in terms of content to recommend similar items. In the opinion of Schafer [5], he called this Item-to-Item Correlation method. In news recommender, generally, news article is often represented as a vector space model (VSM) or topic distributions. Reference [6] employed TF-IDF to construct VSM and utilized K-nearest neighbor method to recommend news to specific user. Reference [7] employed the Naïve Bayesian classifier to classify web pages and construct user profile. Liu et al. [4] (called ClickB in Experimental Evaluation section) proposed the recommendation method using news content based on click behavior. In our work, we classify news articles by VSM and express the articles with TF-IDF weight for each word. Content-based method is easy to express and implement. But it should be noted that not all data are easy to express as VSM, such as audio, image, and video news data [8]. Another problem is content similarity, for example, a user would not like to read similar news many times from news recommender using content-based method. In our work, we diversify news articles due to the distribution of crawled news articles and the preference of the given user.

University of Michigan evolutionary biologist Daniel Rabosky is among 18 young scientists and engineers from universities across the country named today as 2014 recipients of the Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

The Packard Fellowships in Science and Engineering was inspired by David Packard's commitment to strengthen university-based science and engineering programs in the United States, recognizing that the success of the Hewlett-Packard Co., which he co-founded, was derived in large measure from research and development in university laboratories.

Assistant Prof. Alison Sweeney has been selected as a 2014 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow in Ocean Sciences. The Sloan Research Fellowships are extraordinarily competitive awards involving nominations for most of the very best early-career scientists from the United States and Canada. The award is announced in an advertisement in the Tuesday, Feb. 18 New York Times.

Launched in November, MAVEN will allow us to understand what happened to Mars' atmosphere and abundant water. Dozens of undergraduate and graduate students are involved in all phases of the MAVEN mission including the science, engineering and operations. By the mission's completion more than 100 students will have taken part. My speech this month to aerospace industry leaders gives a quick overview of CU's many aerospace and space science endeavors.

BioServe has had more than 70 life-science payloads on more than 45 space-flight missions over the past 25-plus years. This includes payloads on the space shuttle, MIR, Soyuz and the International Space Station.

In: Futures 60 (2014), pp. 14-22Within the scope of citizen science projects, crowdsourcing has already expanded into scientific application areas, its scientific potential being only partly exhausted, however. Dietmar Wechsler shows in his article that transdisciplinary research is made up in content and structural aspects in such a way that crowdsourcing can fully unfold as a research method through varied participation possibilities, reflective processes and use of contemporary technical possibilities. Furthermore, mutual learning, understanding and the dissemination of knowledge strongly profits from effects that even result automatically in this context.

In: Journal of Cleaner Production 84 (2014), pp. 563-580The steel industry, one of the most energy intensive industries in Germany, is expected to contribute to the national climate protection efforts. Since the established coal-based steel production routes are close to reaching maximum efficiency, additional carbon (CO2) emission reduction in long term can only be achieved via innovative technologies. The article "Techno-Economic Evaluation of Innovative Steel Production Technologies" assesses three innovative primary steel production technologies in comparison to the established blast furnace route. Apart from technical and economical criteria, the comparative assessment includes social, safety-related and ecological criteria. The technologies in scope are the blast furnace route in combination with carbon capture and storage (CCS), the direct reduction with hydrogen and the electrolysis of iron ore, also called electrowinning.

In: Progress in Industrial Ecology 8 (2014) 4, pp. 279-294Policy evaluation is widely considered important for assessing policies for effectiveness and impact. Municipalities are among the political actors implementing energy and climate policy. Yet, few municipalities have introduced adequate instruments to monitor the effectiveness of their actions. Often, municipal actors consider local greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories to be sufficient to monitor the impact of their actions. This paper points out why the expectations placed on local GHG inventories as a monitoring instrument can rarely be met in practice. On the basis of German examples, it shall be shown that a thorough calculation of actual local energy and GHG reductions attributable to local efforts is often only partially possible, and is complicated by external factors. A supplementary approach to the top-down method is to evaluate local programmes from the bottom-up. This paper discusses efforts to develop an instrument for a bottom-up monitoring of the city of Hamburg's Climate Action Plan.

In: Journal of Industrial Ecology 18 (2014) 3, pp. 327-340In his article "Carbon Recycling for Renewable Materials and Energy Supply" Stefan Bringezu aims to outline a carbon recycling system that makes use of CO2 as a raw material. The focus is on carbon dioxide capture and use for synthesis of platform chemicals to produce polymers. Bringezu outlines how the system may further develop over the medium to long term, from a piggy-back add-on flow system toward a self-carrying recycling system. A critical bottleneck seems to be the capacity and costs of renewable energy supply, rather than the costs of carbon capture.

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